The LOVERS - by 39 Universe
Now Available at OpenSea.
🫀🫀The LOVERSは、39UniverseによるハンドペイントとデジタルアートのNFTタロットカードコレクション。🫀🫀
🫀LOVERS 🫀はどれでもONE OF A KIND アイテム🫀
🫀🫀The LOVERS is a collection of unique hand painted and digitally enhanced tarot cards created by 39Universe. There is only one of each dropping on the 21st of each month. Starting on Oct 21, 2021 at 21:21
🫀🫀A maximum of 22 unique LOVERS will ever be minted. 🫀🫀
👀The initial pricing will be set according to the number on each tarot card👀dropping in a random order😎
🫀The LOVERS 🫀 they are all ONE OF A KIND 🫀
Each LOVER has its power, by knowing their meaning and owing them we own their power.🤯🤩
ISLANDS NFT - by 39 Universe
Now Available at OpenSea.
🏝自分だけの ISLAND🏝
🏝世界初 2021 Oct 21, 21:21 JST OPENSEAにて発売 🏝
🏝ISLANDS NFTは、唯一無二のハンドクラフトARTであり、エクスクルーシブなISLAND OWNERS GANGへの扉!🏝
🏝Its TIME to own your ISLAND🏝
🏝First Batch Dropping 2021 Oct 21, 21:21 JST 🏝
🏝ISLANDS NFT are one-of-a-kind ART handcrafted assets that open the door to the exclusive ISLAND OWNERS GANG!🏝
🏝A maximum of 100 ISLANDS will ever be created🏝
39Universe's mini tokens club - by 39 Universe
Now Available at OpenSea.
🫀世界初 2021年10月21日 21:21 JST 発売!🫀
🌈39 Universeミニトークンコレクションのアイテム全ては、世界に一つだけのアートハンドメイドNFTです!🌈
🫀First Batch Dropping 2021 Oct 21, 21:21 JST 🫀
🌈39 Universe mini token Collection items are one-of-a-kind art handcrafted NFTs!🌈
🌈Each mini token narrates a chapter in 39Universe's creative journey🌈
❤️Sweet Memories of my artistic path❤️
🫀A maximum of 1000 mini tokens will ever be minted🫀
🌈Join the 39Universe Club 😎😎😎😎😎🌈